Big plans for a little room

Happy monday! It's a rainy one here and we've been enjoying it with cuddles, stories and cups of tea!
I love our little home - and with only two bedrooms it means our little ones will have to share. Yes, one might wonder if they'll sleep well being in the same room, or how Ada will take to having to share her space... but I've also been trying to work out how I will make two beds, a change table, all their clothes, linen, toys etc work in such a small space (3 x 3 metres without build in cupboards).

Until recently, Ada slept in a beautiful sleigh cot... and I mean beautiful - my parents managed to find it for me when I was pregnant with Ada and I adore it - but it's huge (I'll have to post a photo sometime!). In order for the room to work, we purchased a much more streamlined, inexpensive cot from Ikea - both the beds are shown below. I know alot of people say they never used a change table but I always use mine, even now. Our plan is to use a large chest of drawers/dresser big enough to hold all of the children's clothes, which can also function as a change table.

So here is my little collage for the room: the two prints featured below I've made pillows/cushions out of. The floral one looks quite pink in the photo, but in real life, the darker pink flowers are more of a red tone. This one is on Ada's bed. I love the yellow chevron too! A flat-woven rug will (hopefully) cover our icky old carpet!

Well this was a rather wordy post.... sorry about that! :-)
Hope you are enjoying your Monday.

Somedays I just need to remember...

Photo source: Magalerie

Happy Mother's Day

Thank you to my Mum for loving me no matter what. For supporting me, teaching me, and showing me God's love.

Thank you to my darling Ada for making me a mum. For teaching me patience and how to enjoy the little things in life. For loving me no matter what... and for teaching me what unconditional love really is.

Thank you to the little baby that's growing inside of me. For reminding me to enjoy you while you're all mine.

Happy Mother's Day!