Kind over Matter

Sometimes life takes over. 'Mind over Matter'?
Do you ever realise that you're losing focus on the most important things? Surely I'm not the only one! Perhaps what I mean, is that the business/tiredness of life seem to cloud what were once plans/dreams/imagination?

It's nothing seriously really... but sometimes I stop to realise that the plans I'd made, have been lost somewhere in the world that is my head!

Things haven't taken off quite as I'd imagined (not that people have been cold, but that I simply haven't done as much as I'd wanted). My plans were grand - Etsy store and blog running consistently and me churning out the little items with love. I am, more than ever, wanting this to happen... but firstly, I am wife and mummy :)

Wow this has turned a bit heavy... ;) I just wanted to thank you for being patient with my slack blogging and primarily, for being supportive of my product. Definitely can't do any of this without you! Today I am reminding myself to be kind, to love and to make the most of every day!

Hope to have things to show you soon! x

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